Welcome to FinBee


FinBee understands the needs of investors to maximize the financial returns. It is our undertaking to find creditworthy customers, verify the ability-to-pay solvency, and monitor risk management processes.

Who can get a credit:

We accept only requests from those loan applicants who meet the following requirements:

  • The ratio of monthly expenses and income of the borrower after the loan is granted may not exceed 50%. FinBee verifies the financial commitments of each loan applicant in the CNCB and CBCB credit registers.
  • The borrower must be over 18 years old.
  • The borrower must have a regular monthly income, which must not only be a social benefit.
  • The applicant for the loan has no ongoing execution or insolvency proceedings. FinBee checks each applicant for a loan in the Central Register of Executions and in the Insolvency Register.

How to manage the risk:

Our employees have a proven record of long-term credit risk assessment and management experience in various financial institutions. We developed credit risk assessment model based on different risk criteria such as age, gender, salary, income type, employment history, education, number of dependents and the record of how borrowers meet their financial obligations.

It is important to mention that every borrower signs a contract in writing by providing a valid identity document at the moment of signing. The purpose of this face-to-face process is to ensure true identity and to avoid fraudulence.

After submitting an application, the approval process takes up to 24 hours. We want our clients not to make impulsive decisions, assess the risks and the conditions of the loan.

Personal responsibility

Peer-to-peer lending are vulnerable to the investment risks as well as other financial instruments. Before investing into unsecured loans, you must evaluate your personal and family finances as well as your business financial situation.

Your investments through FinBee platform are not insured or secured in any other way. In addition, there is no guarantee that a borrower will meet his financial commitments.

It is lender’s responsibility to choose a loan and to determine the risk. FinBee is not responsible for insolvent clients. However, we are here to help you to measure your risk and to find creditworthy clients.